Mechanical Engineering Technology Major (B.S.)

Engineering technology requires the application of engineering and scientific knowledge and methods combined with technical skills in support of engineering activities. Graduates may work in a variety of areas including engineering design, manufacturing, field service, testing, and sales and may work in management positions related to engineering, manufacturing, and technology.

The UNH Manchester BS in Mechanical Engineering Technology is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) of ABET.

The programs at UNH Manchester are designed to meet the needs of both full- and part-time students with a mix of classes scheduled during the day and in the evening.

For information contact, the Office of Admissions at (603) 641-4150.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: No

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

Courses required in the major must be completed with a minimum grade of C-. Students must attain a minimum GPA in the major of 2.0.

COMP 424Applied Computing 1: Foundations of Programming4
COMP 560Ethics and the Law in the Digital Age4
ECN 411Introduction to Macroeconomic Principles4
ET 405Engineering Design4
ET 411Manufacturing and Materials Processing4
ET 450Statics and Strength of Materials4
ET 502Measurement and Control4
ET 505Material Science4
ET 550Dynamics and Machine Design I4
ET 560Machine Design II4
ET 625Technical Communications4
ET 635Fluid Technology and Heat Transfer4
ET 641Production Systems4
ET 644Mechanical Engineering Technology Concepts in Analysis and Design4
ET 645Fluid Technology and Heat Transfer II4
ET 674Control Systems and Components4
ET 675Electrical Technology4
ET 751Mechanical Engineering Technology Project8
ET 781Introduction to Automation Engineering4
PHYS 407General Physics I4
PHYS 408General Physics II4
MATH 425Calculus I4
MATH 426Calculus II4
CHEM 405Chemical Principles for Engineers4
Discovery Program Requirements, Writing Intensive (WI) Requirement, and electives
Total Credits100

This degree plan is a sample and does not reflect the impact of transfer credit or current course offerings. UNH Manchester undergraduate students will develop individual academic plans with their professional advisor during the first year at UNH.

Sample Course Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing 4
CHEM 405 Chemical Principles for Engineers 4
ET 405 Engineering Design 4
MATH 418 Analysis and Applications of Functions 4
PHYS 407 General Physics I 4
ET 411 Manufacturing and Materials Processing 4
MATH 425 Calculus I 4
ET 450 Statics and Strength of Materials 4
Second Year
PHYS 408 General Physics II 4
MATH 426 Calculus II 4
ET 502 Measurement and Control 4
ET 550 Dynamics and Machine Design I 4
ET 505 Material Science 4
ET 560 Machine Design II 4
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
Third Year
COMP 424 Applied Computing 1: Foundations of Programming 4
ET 635 Fluid Technology and Heat Transfer 4
ET 641 Production Systems 4
Discovery Course 4
ET 625 Technical Communications 4
ET 645 Fluid Technology and Heat Transfer II 4
ET 675 Electrical Technology 4
Discovery Course 4
Fourth Year
ECN 411 Introduction to Macroeconomic Principles 4
ET 674 Control Systems and Components 4
ET 751 Mechanical Engineering Technology Project 4
Discovery Course 4
COMP 560 Ethics and the Law in the Digital Age 4
ET 644 Mechanical Engineering Technology Concepts in Analysis and Design 4
ET 751 Mechanical Engineering Technology Project 4
ET 781 Introduction to Automation Engineering 4
 Total Credits128

Program Learning Outcomes

The Engineering Technology program student outcomes include, but are not limited to, the following learned capabilities:

  • An ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to solve broadly-defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline;
  • An ability to design systems, components, or processes meeting specified needs for broadly-defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline;
  • An ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in broadly-defined technical and non-technical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature;
  • An ability to conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments and to analyze and interpret the results to improve processes; and
  • An ability to function effectively as a member as well as a leader on technical teams.