Intellectual Property (Graduate Certificate)

The short-term Graduate Certificate allows student to take advantage of one of the most comprehensive IP curricula in the country and immerse themselves in a broad range of cutting-edge IP issues. You will enjoy a rich array of IP resources and programs and choose from patent, copyright, and trademark law classes.  

The graduate certificate can be completed online or on campus. Residential students complete the program in a four-month full-time residential format with classes beginning in August and concluding in December. Online students can enroll in August or January and have up to 5 semesters to complete program requirements. 

Total credits required: 15

Residential Candidate Requirements
LIP 894American Legal Process and Analysis I3
Electives are selected from a list provided by the Program Director.12
Total Credits15
Online Candidate Requirements
LIP 944Fundamentals of Intellectual Property3
LIP 954Patent Law3
LIP 961Patent Practice and Procedure I3
LIP 962Patent Practice and Procedure II3
Electives are selected from a list provided by the Program Director.3
Total Credits15

Program Learning Outcomes

UNH Franklin Pierce graduates from the IP interdisciplinary graduate certificate program will demonstrate familiarity with these four areas:

  • Knowledge and understanding of substantive and procedural law in traditional areas of intellectual property law and practice in the United States and internationally, focused on patents, copyrights, and trademarks.
  • Legal analysis and reasoning, legal research, problem-solving, and written and oral communication in the context of traditional intellectual property law and practice in the United States and globally.
  • Exercise of proper professional and ethical responsibilities as a lawyer or other type of professional to clients or other relevant stakeholders and the national and global legal systems of intellectual property rights; and
  • Other professional skills needed for competent and ethical participation as a member of the legal or other professions focused on the practice or other use of intellectual property law domestically or internationally.