
In this section, you'll find details regarding the University's admission and course registration process. 

Applying for Admission

Persons holding a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university may apply for admission to the Graduate School. Admission is both limited and competitive and is based solely upon academic qualifications and potential of the individual.

All application materials become part of the permanent records of the University of New Hampshire and will not be returned. Access to this material is limited under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Applicants who are not admitted, or who are admitted and do not register in the Graduate School, do not have access to their application files. Materials received as part of the application process will not be duplicated for personal use by the applicant or forwarded to a third party. Materials received from applicants who do not complete their application, who are not admitted, or who are admitted and do not register are held for one year before being destroyed.

Application procedures, including deadlines and program­-specific requirements, are available at the Graduate School website:

Applicants from Countries Outside the United States

In addition to the above requirements, all applicants from non-English­-speaking countries must request official English proficiency test scores be sent directly from the testing agency. For the most current testing requirements and a list of accepted tests, please see our test scores webpage: A financial declaration on official University forms is also required should you be admitted. A four-year baccalaureate degree, or equivalent, is normally the minimum academic certification required for admission. Applications from residents of foreign countries will be considered only for regular full-time admission.

Application Deadlines

Application deadlines for admission and financial aid vary by program. These are updated on an annual basis and may be found on each of the program pages. Application deadlines may vary by student populations, including current UNH undergraduates and international students. Links to all current program pages and deadlines can be found on the Graduate School website.

Incomplete Applications

Applications that remain incomplete after the deadline for a program has passed, or after the first day of classes of the term for which admission was desired, will be placed in an inactive status. A written request is required to reactivate an application.

Application Review

Once an application is complete, it is reviewed by an admissions committee of graduate faculty members, which makes recommendations to the Graduate School. The Graduate School will review these recommendations and make the final decision. While applicants with bachelor's degrees may apply directly to certain doctoral programs, the Graduate School also reserves the right to offer applicants admission at the master's degree level in its place.


Official offers of admission from the Graduate School are made for a specific term and year in one of the following categories: regular or conditional. Applicants who are in the final year of an undergraduate or, in some cases, a graduate degree program are contingent upon the successful completion of that degree program. 

An official final transcript showing final grades and the awarding of the degree must be received by the Graduate School before the student may enroll for the graduate program. Transcripts from all previous post-secondary institutions must be submitted and applicants must disclose any previous academic or disciplinary sanctions that resulted in their temporary or permanent separation from a previous post-secondary institution. If it is found that previous academic or disciplinary separations were not disclosed, applicants may face denial and admitted students may face dismissal from their academic program.

Regular Admission

Regular admission may be offered to applicants whose academic records and supporting documents indicate that they are fully qualified to undertake graduate study in their chosen fields.

Conditional Admission

Conditional admission may be offered to applicants whose academic records indicate deficiencies but suggest some promise of success in graduate study. Students offered conditional admission must meet the specific requirements stated at the time of their admission to remain in the Graduate School. 

Deferred Admission

Applicants who cannot enroll in the term for which admission was offered may request to have their admission deferred for up to one year. Students who request a deferral, and who are not currently active in another degree program, are responsible for dropping any courses they may be currently enrolled in at the time they request the deferral. Such requests must be in writing and will be considered only once. Because enrollments are limited and competition for admission may vary from year to year, such requests may not be granted. Applicants who have received approved deferment of their admission cannot register for graduate coursework at the University during the period of deferment.


Applicants who are denied admission may have their applications reconsidered only if they furnish significant additional material that was not available at the time of the original decision, such as evidence of further academic achievement or more recent and significantly improved test scores. 

Accelerated Master's Program

(University of New Hampshire Seniors)

Qualified senior students at the University of New Hampshire may apply early and be admitted to the Graduate School prior to completing their bachelor's degree provided they have followed normal application procedures and have been admitted for the semester in which they wish to enroll in courses for dual credit (the first semester of their senior year). A 3.20 cumulative grade­-point average is normally required to be considered for admission to the accelerated master's program, though some departments may have higher GPA requirements.

Seniors who have been admitted to an approved program under the accelerated master's program and have completed 90 undergraduate credits may register for a maximum of 12 credits of 800­-level courses prior to completing their bachelor's degree. Such courses may, upon recommendation of the department and approval of the Graduate School, count toward both a bachelor's and master's degree (12 credit maximum) or graduate certificate program (8 credit maximum).

Each program's faculty retain discretion regarding whether their program admits students under the accelerated master's program, as well as the maximum number of graduate credits permitted (e.g., some programs will allow for a maximum of 8 credits, or 1 course, etc.). Applicants are strongly encouraged to meet with the graduate program coordinator in the program's faculty to discuss the specifics of applying and enrollment. Not all graduate programs participate. For additional information and a list of current programs, visit:

Students admitted to the accelerated master's program must attend an orientation/advising meeting to accept their offer of admission and maintain a grade­-point average of 3.20 throughout their senior year, complete their undergraduate degree as planned, and pass graduate courses taken for credit with a grade of B­- or better (some programs have stricter requirements). If these conditions are not met, admission may be withdrawn.

Accelerated Master's 800-level credit forms must be completed and approved by the undergraduate advisor and program coordinator of the Graduate School at the beginning of the semester for which dual credit is sought.

Non-Degree Students

Individuals holding a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university may register for graduate courses through The Office of Continuing Education. These individuals are designated as "non-degree students." Non-degree students are not required to file an application for admission to the Graduate School and are not candidates for a graduate degree. Non-degree students may register for a maximum of 8 credits per semester. Registering for 9 or more credits requires special permission. Please note special permission is not required to exceed the 8 credit limit during the summer.