Intellectual Property (LL.M.)

The LLM program allows student to take advantage of one of the most comprehensive IP curricula in the country and immerse themselves in a broad range of cutting-edge IP issues. You will enjoy a rich array of IP resources and programs and choose from classes in patent law, copyright, trademarks and more. 

Our LLM in Intellectual Property is available through in-person and online formats. The in-person program is offered in a full-time, residential format with classes beginning in August and concluding in May. With careful planning, students who complete the in-person LLM in Intellectual Property at UNH Franklin Pierce may be eligible to sit for a US bar exam. The in-person LLM program in Intellectual Property is not designed as preparation programs for a US bar exam. However, the programs offer a flexible curriculum that allows students to design a course of study that afford eligibility to sit for a state bar exam.

The online program offers start dates in August and January. Students can complete the program full-time in one calendar year, or part-time in up to three years.

Residential Candidate Requirements
LIP 801Graduate Legal Research and Information Literacy1
LIP 894American Legal Process and Analysis I3
LIP 895American Legal Process and Analysis II2
Required Elective Courses
Select three from the following:7
Copyright Law
Fundamentals of Intellectual Property
Copyright Licensing
Technology Licensing
Patent Law
Patent Practice and Procedure I
Trademarks and Deceptive Practices
Additional Electives Selected from a List Provided by Program Director11
Total Credits24

Online Candidate Requirements - Patent Track
LCR 923International Legal Research2
LIP 944Fundamentals of Intellectual Property3
LIP 913International and Comparative Intellectual Property3
LIP 954Patent Law3
LIP 961Patent Practice and Procedure I3
LIP 962Patent Practice and Procedure II3
Elective Courses
Select from the following:7
Copyright Law
Intellectual Property Management
Mining Patent Information in the Digital Age
Trademarks and Deceptive Practices
Trade Secrets Law
Additional Electives Selected from a List Provided by Program Director
Total Credits24

Online Candidate Requirements - Copyright/Trademark Track:
LCR 923International Legal Research2
LIP 944Fundamentals of Intellectual Property3
LIP 913International and Comparative Intellectual Property3
LIP 912Copyright Law3
LIP 977Trademarks and Deceptive Practices3
Additional Course Designed by Director Copyright/Trademark Law and practice2-3
Elective Courses
Select from the following:8
Intellectual Property Management
Mining Patent Information in the Digital Age
Patent Law
Patent Practice and Procedure I
Patent Practice and Procedure II
Trade Secrets Law
Additional Electives Selected from a List Provided by Program Director
Total Credits24-25

UNH Franklin Pierce graduates from the IP LLM program will demonstrate competency at the level of an experienced attorney in these four areas: 

  • Knowledge and understanding of substantive and procedural law in traditional areas of intellectual property law and practice in the United States and internationally, focused on patents, copyrights, and trademarks. 
  • Legal analysis and reasoning, legal research, problem-solving, and written and oral communication in the context of traditional intellectual property law and practice in the United States and globally. 
  • Exercise of proper professional and ethical responsibilities to clients and the national and global legal systems of intellectual property rights; and 
  • Other professional skills needed for competent and ethical participation as a member of the legal profession focused on intellectual property practice domestically and internationally.